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Cloud Capital     Chamber of Economies     Cloudfunding     CloudfundMe     Buyers     Crowd     Sellers     P2P     Groups     Places     SignUp     

DeCom Markets     RingLink     SODA     FEV     Economic Engine     Smart Contracts     UDC     DFDC     UDI     PriceDemand      QwickFlip       Sales Division      Co-Ops     
Economic Engine

Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
Local Media    Search               Business

Local Media    Cloudfunds       Cloudfunds
    QwickBids         QwickBid
     - Lead Time

Local Media    QwickBuys        QUIK-Buys

Local Media    QwickFlip           QwickFlip
Local Media    QwickP2P          QwickP2P
Local Media    OMM                   OMM
Local Media    LA Agent            LA Agent

Local Media    Local Demand

Cloudfunding operates as a self-sustaining economic platform, managing all aspects of commerce and trade to facilitate the flow of capital through local economies. This platform allows sellers to list their inventory at full selling prices, without incurring any fees or commissions.

The bidding process on Cloudfunding serves two primary purposes. Firstly, it monetizes the full selling prices of the inventory using a sophisticated algorithm that automatically processes and executes trades without the need for direct user participation. In this process, sellers receive Free Economic Value (FEV / FDC), which is a form of free working capital that is strategically allocated to Open Market Makers (OMMs).

The second purpose of the bidding process is to distribute the validated UDC (Universally Decentralized Capital) to OMMs who participated in the process. This distribution ensures that a percentage of the FEV / FDC is returned as UDC to the OMMs, validating their role in the transaction.

When a seller lists their inventory, each unit is individually tokenized and begins the process of being monetized and validated. Once fully monetized, the unit is locked into a Smart Contract that releases ownership to the buyer upon payment.

The lead time for the bidding process is relatively short, taking only a few seconds or minutes for most inventory. However, sellers can schedule the process to occur at a later time, allowing for more flexibility. During this time, global users can register their interest in participating in the bidding process, either manually or through pre-set accounts.

The 5-step bidding process operates on a global scale, processing inventories in bulk or individual units across multiple global economies in real-time. The process is tracked via location activity, and the bidding process is nearly instantaneous, with inventories being monetized and ready for release to local or global buyers within a few seconds.

To level the playing field, Cloudfunding employs a series of protocols, including Game Theory, which ensures that global users can participate without the financial constraints that limit conventional methods. The use of free working capital allows OMMs to set strategies, which takes up to 75% of the maximum 20% of the full selling prices of any product or service deal. This helps to dilute the entry point for a broader number of users, making the platform more inclusive.

Example of how the bidding protocol process is diluted to allow a larger participation of the global crowd users

    - 100% full selling prices
    - Only a maximum of 20% of the 100% is set aside for the bidding process
    - 15% of the total ( or 75% max of that 20% ) is allocated for FEV Token strategies - free working capital
    - 5% of the total ( remaining 25% of that 20% ) is set aside for the automatic UDC bidding

Economic Engine Percentages                              QwickBids          

The bidding process in Cloudfunding is automatic, and users can set strategies or set to automatically apply strategies within ranges that can be adjusted prior to the process. Users initially collect Free Economic Value (FEV) and use it in strategies as free working capital to help win deals and mainly to get the FEV / FDC validated into Universally Decentralized Capital (UDC).

The bidding involves using FEV Tokens for the majority of the bid strategy, up to 75% of the 20%, and only using UDC to bid with, to "survive" for as long as possible during the automated process. This means that only a maximum 20% of the full selling price is used in any deal process to fully monetize each deal with the full selling price and to find a winner, which means that only 15% of the full selling price is used to allocate the free working capital FEV.

The remaining 25% of the 20%, which is only 5% of the initial 100% full selling price, is where UDC is added as the actual bidding value to remain alive in the process. If less FEV Tokens are used in the user's strategies in the 5 Calls, then more UDC may need to be used to "stay alive" during the Calls. There are many strategies to select, and each deal process becomes unique.

The bidding process consists of 5 stage Calls, lasting over 15 minutes and reducing down to deals only taking 15 seconds to complete to find a winner. Multiple deals are processed simultaneously.

While the bidding process essentially provides the distribution and validation of UDC to flow towards users, in the background, there's an algorithmic process that fully monetizes the products and services without hindering the users from competing to win deals and share in the distribution of the final Buyer's payment (aggregate demand).

The process can be likened to a Lottery system, where the balls drop at each Call, and users are eliminated until there's a winner. However, the final buying price of the product or service being processed will be sold in UDC, and it's this value that's equally distributed with the number of users remaining at the end of each Call.

The registration fee is part of the monetization of the full selling price and any UDC Bids allocated to "survive" the Calls are returned to participants. The quantity of FEV used at each Call is equally distributed back across the successful users in each Call.

The strategy of allocating the FEV Tokens, up to the maximum for each deal, increases the number of possibilities enormously. The registering and bidding strategies in various products and industries and locations operate automatically in the background, still giving users control over their strategies before the bidding begins.

The number of processes in the 24/7 helps distribute wealth across a greater number of users in various locations around the world, stimulating and monetizing productivity in industries and locations that may not always have a level playing field. It pushes a democratic and decentralized way of finding an equilibrium (Balance of Payments) across global supply and demand through Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital, effectively avoiding the interference and rent-seeking approach of the financial system.

The Decentralized Economic Engine for Productivity (DEEP) is where global users can participate in a democratic process that flows through to universally distributed Incomes across local economies.

QwickPic Ready

Outsourced Selling Process

OMMs - Open Market Makers share in the final Buying Prices ( Aggregate Demand )

Outsourced Selling process is for New and Used

The advanced mechanics behind the bidding process in QwickBids, particularly with the pre-bidding strategy, are poised to revolutionize the way selling is done in the future. The traditional online bidding process is often criticized for being time-consuming, unfair, and frustrating, particularly when someone can suddenly appear and snatch the win.

The current state of online bidding is often seen as a last resort for sellers who are struggling to clear stock, regardless of the price. It's viewed as a marketplace for getting rid of unwanted items, where sellers can simply list an item and wait for the highest bidder to come along. This approach can lead to unrealistic prices and a lack of transparency, making it difficult for buyers and sellers to trust the process.

The QwickBids bidding process, on the other hand, offers a more sophisticated and transparent approach to online selling. By incorporating pre-bidding strategies and advanced algorithms, QwickBids is able to create a fair and efficient bidding environment that rewards buyers for participating and sellers for providing high-quality products.

The pre-bidding strategy in QwickBids allows buyers to set their budgets and preferences before the bidding process begins, ensuring that they have a fair chance of winning. This approach also enables sellers to optimize their pricing and inventory management, reducing the risk of overstocking and understocking.

By streamlining the bidding process and introducing a more transparent and fair approach, QwickBids is poised to redefine the way selling is done in the future. The platform's advanced mechanics and pre-bidding strategy will provide a more efficient and effective way for buyers and sellers to connect, making online selling faster, more efficient, and more trustworthy.

That destructive selling method is antiquated

QwickBid operates differently from what was previously mentioned. The platform's mechanics are designed to promote fairness and productivity for both buyers and sellers, providing a more sustainable business model for entrepreneurs and increased buying power for consumers.

The QwickBid platform sets up a "sell high and buy low" dynamic, where sellers receive the full 100% selling price, while buyers can purchase at discounts that are hard to resist. This approach eliminates the need for intermediaries and reduces the costs associated with selling, allowing sellers to focus on supply and customer service.

The QwickPic Platform's technology has a profound impact on the way businesses operate, eliminating many of the costly steps involved in traditional selling processes. By streamlining the process, sellers can now focus on what matters most: providing high-quality products and services to their customers.

When a product or service is processed through QwickBids, it generates a Smart Contract that can only be executed when it's released to a seller's local buyers. These buyers must then use Price Demand to be the first to click "Buy Now," causing the price to cascade down from the full selling price to as low as 20% of the original price, depending on the final winning bid price.

This innovative approach to online selling enables sellers to receive full value for their products, while buyers can purchase at discounted prices. The platform's Smart Contract technology ensures that the sale is secure and transparent, providing a safe and reliable experience for all parties involved.

No fees

Sellers on the QwickPic Platform enjoy a number of benefits, including the fact that they don't pay any listing or highlighting fees, nor any advertising or payment fees. This means that they can sell their items without incurring any upfront costs, and receive the full value of their sales.

The QwickPic Platform operates by increasing demand for products and services, and to achieve this, incentives are added to ensure that supply flows are directed to meet demand. This approach allows sellers to benefit from the increased demand, while also creating a more efficient and effective marketplace.

Cloudfunds are an essential component of the QwickPic Platform, providing a neutral global trading platform that monetizes businesses and individuals without adding the barriers and penalties used by the finance industry. The digital form of a free and neutral universal trading unit of account helps to facilitate transactions, and ensures that all parties involved in the trade are treated fairly and transparently.

By providing a free and neutral universal trading unit of account, Cloudfunds enables the monetization of businesses and individuals, without the need for intermediaries or barriers to entry. This approach promotes a more level playing field, where all participants can benefit from the increased demand and reduced costs.

The QwickPic Platform's approach to monetization is designed to be fair, transparent, and efficient, and to provide a better experience for all participants. By leveraging the power of Cloudfunds and the QwickPic Platform, sellers and buyers can connect and conduct trades in a secure and reliable environment, without the need for intermediaries or barriers to entry.

Free Economic Value

The paradigm shift with Cloudfunding and Free Economic Value is to operate and be governed within a post-economic activity and productivity-based value system, whereas Modern Banking operates within a pre-economic activity with credit and debt, and is not governed or constrained by actual productivity.

Cloudfunding operates on a global scale, leveraging true productivity as the driving force for global economic growth, without incurring debt. This approach is fundamentally different from traditional banking, which relies on credit and debt to facilitate economic activity, but does not necessarily promote productivity.

Free Economic Value (FEV) is the foundation of Cloudfunding, and it represents the free working capital for the Digital Era. FEV is created and validated from actual productivity in commerce across global economies, and it is distributed freely with the global crowd.

The process of validating FEV against productivity and distributing the value freely differs significantly from how Banking offers credit and debt to be distributed before the possibility of any productivity. In contrast, Cloudfunding's approach prioritizes actual productivity, allowing sellers to sell their inventory, new or old, and driving productivity on a global scale.

The collective FEV can be used to strategize on a global scale, as it can be cross-border and democratically used to drive productivity in any country where sellers want to sell their inventory. This is made possible by the Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital (DFDC) mechanism, which enables the free flow of FEV across borders and facilitates the democratization of productivity.

By leveraging FEV, Cloudfunding enables a new economic paradigm that is based on true productivity, rather than credit and debt. This approach has the potential to revolutionize the way commerce operates, and to create a more equitable and sustainable economic system that benefits all parties involved.
Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital

Just as with New Product any Used Item can be sold with Outsourced Selling


Seller gets 'Fair Price'  -  Buyer pays as low as 20%

When a Used Item is won by an OMM


Items get released in QwickFlip Buys where Price Demand finds the demand

starting with the full Selling Price cascading down to the low Buying Price set in the Outsourced Selling.

See how a QwickBid Deal looks in the lead-up time before the opening call. The lead-up time is when Cloudfunds can be adjusted to set a strategy.

QwickBid View

QwickBid can be seen in a smaller window, allowing users to keep up-to-date on the bidding process without distractions.

Ways to Get Products and Services at Low Prices

Buyers have ways to get their hands on products and services at low 20% prices:

- Find deals you are interested in and Bid for deals early with the Global Crowd

- Track the deals and Buy a deal if it reaches the Open Market with QwickBuys

Global Crowd Dominates Bidding

The Global Crowd uses QwickBid as their business base and does much of the heavy lifting by being the dominant bidders behind each deal that gets to the Open Market.

Variety of Products and Services

Deals can be listed for any sellable product or service that can be exchanged for money, including ebooks, subscriptions, music downloads, and more.

Meeting Global Productivity

To meet global productivity, there needs to be more sustainable ways to stimulate supply and demand. The QwickPic Platform helps to provide this need.

Predictability and Confidence

Sellers need to have some predictability and confidence in selling their inventory, and buyers want to see competitive prices in their markets. This is where feature services like Price Demand help to find the demand.

Price Demand

Price Demand is where users gain from participating in the QwickBid process to get their share of the distribution of the amount of the buying prices paid by a buyer.

Early Birds Still Get the Advantage

Early birds can still get the advantage of earning and using the majority of their bidding total using Cloudfunds.

Cloudfunds / Free Digital Capital FDC

Cloudfunds give the advantage of bidding for deals to everyone, making it absolutely fair for every user who wants to bid. The number of combinations in allocating numbers into the 5 boxes is huge, and this means that bidders will have a low number of Cloudfunds in some boxes, which means the Cloudfunds are spent faster.


Strategies are allocating Cloudfunds into 5 boxes before the start of the bidding process. Cloudfunds give the advantage of bidding for deals to everyone, making it absolutely fair for every user who wants to bid.

Return of Cloudfunds

Only around 5% maximum of the seller's full prices will be spent in bidding with UDC if the maximum FEV Tokens are used in the pre-bid strategies. Even the bids spent from the QwickP2P account are returned to each bidder,.

Anyone Can Become an OMM Anyone can become an Open Market Maker (OMM) to earn a business profit.

It's as simple as placing some numbers in 5 little boxes.

Step 1.  Register

-  Opening Bids are automatically debited from your QwickP2P account

Step 2Add some FEV Tokens - there's a maximum number of Tokens that can be added

-  FEV Tokens are deducted from your Cloudfund account - ( each deal mints a unique token value specific for each deal )

Step 3.  Adjust your strategy

-  You can adjust your FEV Token strategy as many times as you want before the start of the Opening Call.

Step 4Any required Bids are automatically deducted from your UDC QwickP2P account

-  In each of the 5 stages during the bidding, if your FEV Tokens are all 'spent' in any of the Calls then a UDC bid is added automatically so you are not eliminated at the end of any of the stages.

-  if you are eliminated because the time lapsed or there were insufficient UDC funds to Bid, then the finalization process returns an equal share of the all FEV Tokens 'spent' by OMMs in each Call - any UDC Bids are returned to each OMM, less a small LAT deduction.

Watch how a typical deal plays out     QwickBids

QwickBid is disrupting the dynamics of commerce by breaking the traditional model of sellers only receiving what a buyer agrees to pay. Instead, QwickBid changes the dynamics by separating the buyer and seller and giving new players, known as the Global Crowd, the tools to take on the role of selling.

By separating buyers from sellers, QwickBid solves the dilemma of supply and demand, finding a fair and continuous flow between buyer and seller. The new player, the Global Crowd, is a virtual wholesaler between a buyer and seller, facilitating the exchange of goods and services.

New dynamics lead to new tools that can solve the supply and demand dilemma, providing low buying prices and full selling prices in the same commerce action. QwickBid sets the changes even before the bidding begins, giving all bidders the chance to use Cloudfunds to preset a bidding strategy that plays out during the main bidding process.

Cloudfunds are freely earned just by viewing QwickPic images showing products and services that sellers from around the world want to sell. These funds can be "spent" on bid strategies and to buy various products and services. All that a bidder needs to do is collect Cloudfunds and use as many as they want in their strategy, then add a small amount of funds to their QwickPay account and let the automatic bidding do the rest.

QwickBid is not just limited to selling new products. It also offers QwickFlip, a mechanism that allows sellers to sell used items, providing them with a way to get their full fair prices while giving buyers the ability to pay as low as 20%.

By providing a platform that allows buyers and sellers to connect directly, QwickBid is revolutionizing the way commerce is conducted. The use of Cloudfunds and QwickPay accounts is a game-changer, making it easy for bidders to participate in the bidding process and for sellers to receive fair prices for their products and services.

Overall, QwickBid is a groundbreaking platform that is changing the way commerce is conducted. By providing a new way for buyers and sellers to connect, QwickBid is unlocking new opportunities for growth and innovation in the world of commerce.sellers the way to get their full fair prices while giving buyers the way to pay as low as 20%.
Here's an example at the pre-bidding stage  -  see a snap shot of a deal in progress  -  register multiple deals
Hide All Call Strategy Lead Up Time Strategy Lead Up Strategy - Multiple Deals    
Product Stage Call Opening Call          l First Call            l Second Call         l Third Call            l Final Call    
Ticket 01:10:25 1 $0.50  $0.50    $0.00  $0.40    $0.00  $0.30    $0.00  $0.20    $0.00  $0.10     
Time Lapse 70 8   $2.00  7   $1.75  6   $1.50  2   $0.50  10   $2.50     
$8.75 Total # of  $0.25  FEV Tokens allocated in your strategy is : 33 / 60 Cloudfunds Confirm    
FEV Token strategy changes can be made up to the Opening Call    
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -    
The Cloudfunds / FDC strategy is a simple yet powerful approach to allocating resources and achieving success in the bidding process. It involves allocating a maximum number of FDC Tokens into 5 boxes, which represent the 5 stages of the bidding process.

The 5 Stages of the Bidding Process

The 5 stages of the bidding process take 15 minutes or 15 seconds to complete, following a lead-up period where users set their strategies. In each of the 5 stages, there is an elimination process that checks to see what number of FEV Tokens remains active for a bidder.

Elimination Process

If a bidder's Cloudfunds have already been spent in the elimination process, the only way to not be eliminated is to "add a bid". The 'Auto' mode looks after the bidding, making it a much faster process than users adding bids from various ranges of internet connection.

Bidding Process

A certain number of bidders get eliminated at the end of each of the 5 stages until there is a final winner. The maximum bid total is a combination of Cloudfunds and whatever bids from the QwickP2P account. A winner will either be the last bidder to reach the max 20% buying price or last bidder with the highest bid total at the end of the 15 minutes.

Winning the Bid

When a local Buyer wins via QwickBuy and Price Demand, the Collection Code is used to collect their Deal. This ensures that the buyer receives the product or service they purchased, and the seller receives payment for their goods or services.

Key Benefits

The Cloudfunds / FDC strategy offers several key benefits, including:

- Simplified bidding process
- Increased efficiency and speed
- Reduced risk of bid failure
- Improved winner selection
- Increased transparency and accountability

By using the Cloudfunds/FDC strategy, bidders can increase their chances of winning the bid and achieving success in the bidding process.
Bidding Process    
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