Buyers - List a Deal for the product or service you want
Select the Location, Industry and Category : Example
Select the Unit Quantity you want to Post as a Buyer :
Industry l Category
Quantity l Value per unit
Energy l Electricity
kWh - kilowatt-hour
l $0.30 *
Full Selling Price Total Value
Maximum LA Deal Price - $0.06 per kWh
Maximum Price for LA Deals - $6.00
Your FREE Listing of a Product or Service will be submitted for processing at the next available time slot.
You are able to track the progress of your Listing in the processing time slots, once a time allocation has been selected you will be updated with the progress in your Deal going Live.
If your FREE Listing is accepted by the Global Crowd to go Live, you'll be informed of the progress and results of the Bidding.
As with all Deals the LA Deal Price for the product or service is a maximum 20% of the full Listed Selling Price.
e.g. : Electricity - 1 kWh @ $0.30 will have a maximum LA Price of $0.06 - Full price $0.30
- 1,000 kWh @ $0.30 will have a maximum LA Price of $60.00 - Full price $300.00
At the completion of the bidding you have 15 minutes to Activate the Price Demand and compete with other Buyers, or the Deal will be released on the Platform's Open Market at the same LA Deal Price for other local Buyers to compete with Price Demand and the cascading Buying Prices.
* Note: The default price for a product or service is subject to the 'national price' of the selected country or wherever applicable, even down to the city, the 'unit price' will often be slightly higher than the 'national price' to ensure that there's an incentive for the Seller, Utility or Carrier etc to accept direct payments.