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                    DeCom Subliminal Interactive Advertising                                       .  .  brings a decentralized and democratic economic platform to the real economy!

                                .  .  challenges the status quo!

Booking Demand.Online   Booking Demand      l      How it works for Operators    l    QwickStay    Hotel Ap    l   QwickTrek    Backpacker Ap    l    Need other services    l    Quik-Trip    l    QUIK-Ride    l    Quik-Bite    l    Quik-Pass    l    Quik-Cup
How it works    l    Travel    l    Private Homes    l    Hostels    l    Motels & Hotels    l    Motel & Hotel Operators    l    Business Travelers    l    Cloudfunding the Accommodation Industry
QwickP2P    Global Payments    l   Search Hotels  -  Book with Price Demand
Price Demand  .  .  buy as prices cascade down  -  but look out for other buyers!    
        Partner Strategy              
    Want to sell accommodation? Strategy to take back control of sales    
Local Media    QwickChat          Checkin Yap   Booking Demand has the platform for sellers to sell room accommodation at the full selling prices, guaranteed!
All sellers need to do is list their inventory to outsource the selling and be ready to release the deals to the local buyers, then watch as buyers get incentivized to buy  -  there're no fees or charges to list, sell or get paid, and importantly, sellers remain in full control of their inventory, and never need to discount  -  it's no longer about seller discounts looking for demand, it's now all about automated selling!

OTAs are the predatory incumbents with their 'walled garden' business model, that has taken control of independent and franchised hotel and motel brands  -  OTAs have been able to scale using a 'double-dipping' mechanism to extract high commission fees, while giving away discounted room rates to guests, basically monopolizing the accommodation industry

Booking Demand is part of an economic platform that disrupts the OTAs model by fully monetizing hotel and motel room inventories  -  then invite interested guests to buy room bookings with Price Demand, which's where interested guests have the chance to compete for room rates with buying prices cascading down to 20% of the full room rate prices, without it affecting the hotel and motels operators full selling prices  -  this changes accommodation on a world wide scale where a collaboration between industry and global communities brings free market dynamics through a strategy for hotels and motels to take back control of sales, world wide, where everyone wins.

    Digital Advertising's future is subliminal, ubiquitous and free!    
    Sell It Forward, Now!    
Want to book a room?

Booking Demand offers buyers Price Demand, where the full selling prices begin to cascade down when a potential local buyer clicks the Activate button  -  once that happens, notifications are sent out to alert other users who showed interest in a room  -  then it comes down to who hits the Buy Now button first and pays what they want to pay as the buying prices cascades down to 20% of the full selling prices, without it affecting the seller's full selling prices.

When a buyer clicks the Activate button there's a delay of 10 seconds before the cascading begins, this is to allow buyers to take the option of buying at the full price or take the chance to compete with other interested buyers.

So that nobody misses out on great deals, there're plenty of Building Block Deals that can be bid for to win at really low prices to help build up a bigger stake for when that next great car deal or big ticket item comes along  -  users just download the QwickPic Ready App to automatically and subliminally collect Free Economic Value, and use it globally as free working capital to help win Building Block Deals, and be ready to use the extra funds in real-time online cash commerce to buy products and services  -  Commerce is changing, and the day of paying full price is gone!

See more at Booking Demand.Online

    Pay It Forward, Now!    
it's time to level the playing field and put OTAs like Expedia, and Airbnb on notice

.  .  and give control and profits back to accommodation operators and local economies
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Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
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Local Media    Locations           Global Productivity Market
    QwickStay         QUIK-Stay
Local Media    QwickTrek         QUIK-Trek
Local Media    QwickBite          Quik-Bite
Local Media    QwickPass       QwickPass
Local Media    Fashion               Fashion
Local Media    QwickTrip          Transportation
Local Media    QwickRide        QUIK-Ride
Local Media    QwickBuys        QUIK-Buys
Local Media    QwickP2P          QwickP2P

Local Media    OMM                   OMM
Local Media    Queen Bee

                  Sellers Exchange

France Paris Germany Berlin Book a room from your mobile

Price Demand

Pay the price you want as the price cascades down

Note: Other buyers get alerted of your activation

and compete with you for the best price.

Hotel Regina Tryp Berlin Mitte Hotel
Hotel Ap      Check-in Hotel Ap      Check-in
Italy Rome Brazil Rio de Janeiro
Hotel Hotel
IQ Hotel Roma Caesar Park Hotel
Hotel Ap      Check-in Hotel Ap      Check-in
Spain Barcelona Australia Sydney UK London USA New York
Hotel Hotel
Hotel Nouvel ParkRoyal Hotel London Mayfair Paramount Hotel
Hotel Ap      Check-in Hotel Ap      Check-in Hotel Ap      Check-in Hotel Ap      Check-in
-  the secure digital cash payment option
    for all P2P payments

    Price Discovery in real time!    
    Everything has a price but is it what the market accepts?    
    All sellers have the same conundrum with their inventory  -  will it sell?    
    Sellers have had few options in selling  -  wait for buyers, advertise or discount    
    Cloudfunding offers a more direct option!    
    Price Demand    
  • Buy Now Pay Later
  • Cascading Buying Prices
  • When an interested buyer finds a product or service, either online and in-store with Price Demand,
    the user can click the Activate button to buy the deal.
  • Users have 10 seconds to decide to buy at full price and pay over several payments with BNPL
    or let the buying price start to cascade down to 20% of the full selling price.
  • But as deals are activated, other buyers who've shown interest, are immediately notified
     -  they too can compete for the deal
  • Giving buyers the option in what price they pay, offers Price Discovery in real time!
ComTechX Border
    The new mechanics of local cash commerce

It goes without saying that Outsourced Manufacturing has had a great impact on global trade and commerce across the world in the last decades, especially through the advances in technology  -  so it shouldn't be any surprise that the next phase is the Outsourced Selling of local products and services using deep tracking technology to bring a balance between Globalization and Localization  -  this deep tracking down into local economies allows the economic value of local inventories to be tapped and applied to stimulate local productivity on a global scale  -  it provides the governance and intrinsic value ( think old Gold Standard ) as it's exchanged around the world as a neutral universally distributed ( economic ) capital to facilitate local sales, which is basically local Cash Commerce operating ubiquitously on a global scale.


The world of Commerce is changing, it's the New Economy and a paradigm shift in how Commerce and Trade will work in the 21st Century  -  where there's more focus on local economic growth that comes directly through a totally new economic alliance of local communities  -  there's a new narrative being written on economic distribution and productivity, based on real-time price discovery that's challenging Commerce's dynamics by separating the supply from demand in markets  -  this separation changes the way capital flows are distributed into local economies, allowing it to continually stimulate local productivity  -  it's the re-engineering in how global aggregate demand is recycled back to drive foreign capital flows into local economies, without using credit or debt  -  Cloudfunding commoditizes local inventories by directing the economic value through a series of algorithmic processes, after distributing that economic value as free working capital out to global users  -  which's then validated by the sale of local productivity, on a global scale, captured as aggregate demand, before it's drawn back down into local economies  -  it means that the unpopular and costly targeted digital advertising model is challenged by Cloudfunding by operating subliminally to sell local products and services, on a global scale through economies of scale, and, to do it all for free.

Cloudfunding is an autonomous platform with an economic infrastructure that taps the economic value of the local seller inventories, and distributes this in micro-values out to an independent network of global users, who are incentivized to directly help monetize productivity around the world, and, increase productivity in their own local economies  -  this local productivity directly draws in validated capital using in-depth tracking that's accurate down to 14 decimal points  -  and, is constantly governed in real-time by genuine products and services being sold in local economies around the world  -  it shifts productivity to the leading catalyst, forming a new level in trade between local economies with e2eCommerce, all through a democratic and decentralized network of global market makers and communities.
    Sellers - Sign up for early access
We're opening up to Sellers early, so if your business wants to get a competitive advantage, add your details

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