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  Global Buyer Co-Operatives

Blue Dot
  Buyers can now collaborate ( silently ) with Sellers to leverage prices
  Buyers can have affordable Buying Prices without harming Seller's full Selling Prices
  Markets have been typically controlled by incumbents operating between the Sellers and the Buyers
- Typically Co-Operatives provide that leverage for Buyers to incentivize Sellers to offer discounts for bulk buying.
- Typically group buying reduces the Selling Price, effectively giving away a Seller's profit.
  Cloudfunded Co-Operatives change that model!
  Cloudfunding is a global economic platform where the trading of products and services are able to freely exchange between Buyers and Sellers.
  The platform challenges the status quo by shifting productivity to be the leading catalyst in commerce dynamics, resulting in challenging the cost-of-living.
  It gives Buyers the way to group together as friends, associates or as business partners and be able to help sell products and services with Sellers benefiting
  -  with Sellers getting their full Selling Prices
  -  with Buyers competing for low affordable Buying Prices via Buy It Forward deals
  Global Co-Operatives operate with the backing of the global crowd, which supports sellers through DFDC  -  Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital.
  The global crowd is the digital world's answerer to issue of where jobs will come from as A.I. and automation take over  -  OMMs Open Market Makers
  Sellers who want to go alone with an independent Loyalty Program with all the similar and more features can use the Queen Bee Program.
  Global Co-Operatives have a dual benefit
  While the Platform provides the ecosystem for trade to be exchanged between Buyers and Sellers globally, there're mechanics and dynamics involved
in the background that tracks all that activity in locations around the world, in real-time as it spreads from economy to economy.
  This activity is the real-time productivity of selling products and services   
  -  the mechanics to generate the unique Sell and Buy productivity produces a Location Activity Tax that is recorded in each location of a country,
region or state, city and town listed on the platform
  -  with Buyer Co-Ops it all comes down to local Buyers activating the Buy It Forward deals and gaining the added value in the deals..
  This LAT is shared with all Users of the platform but the Global Co-Operatives have access to a greater level of benefit from those income streams.

World Loyalty
    Cost of the Buyer Co-Operatives
        $500 Seed amount has a 1X total value
    $1,000 Seed amount has a 1.5X total value

$2,500 Seed amount has a 2X total value
$5,000 Seed amount has a 2.5X total value
$10,000 Seed amount has a 3X total value
$25,000 Seed amount has a 3.5X total value
    $50,000 Seed amount has a 4X total value
    $75,000 Seed amount has a 4.5X total value
    $100,000 Seed amount has a 5X total value

See more details below

Businesses usually buy loyalty from customers by offering discounts or giving deals that cut into profits.

With Global Co-Operatives each listed member can give or sell a credit to initially link the friends with the Co-Op and wherever the friend buys across any industry or in any country there's still a gain for the Co-Op.

No effort is needed by the Co-Op to maintain the friends on the platform  -  the friends can Opt-in or Opt-out from receiving notifications about product and service Deals.
So how does it work?
It starts by giving the Global Co-Operative a Business Account & UDI Portfolio to hold the activity
of hundreds of locations from around the world  -  it can be specific to certain trading locations
    Global Co-Operatives are designed to network Buyers with Sellers
  Blue dot Account: a Buyer Co-Operative registers a prime account for admin purposes with other accounts each attached to a member  -  the prime Buyer Co-Operative account is attached with the Co-Op's UDI - Universally Distributed Income Portfolio
  Blue dot Portfolio: lists geographical locations and records commercial activity in each location then uses a unique distribution process to update each location that is listed in the member's UDI Portfolio  -  daily
  Blue dot 6 degrees of separation: is the service where referral connections are registered, such as members all the way down to 6 levels
  Blue dot Connection: Global Co-Operatives have 6 level where depending on the value of the Portfolio selected. This Level 1 is able to invite friends and associates using a built in invitation system, as more join in the, the team becomes a business's free global advertising and selling platform
  Blue dot Activity: with links to customers/affiliates a Co-Operative can give notifications of items or events to keep brand awareness but in the background the Buyer Co-Op gains financially from activity down in the 6 levels of each member with the portfolio's daily updates without any effort
  Blue dot Ripple effect: having active friends and members on the first level can have a ripple effect down the 6 levels where other businesses connected to the levels can have a ripple effect back up the line.
  Blue dot Local Commerce: Is the commerce activity selling product & service trade that every business is providing as a seller to a demand from a buyer in exchange for a value on the platform
    Privacy: We prioritize user privacy and do not disclose personal details unless required for specific activities or initiated by the user. Our platform prohibits data scraping or other methods that compromise user privacy without consent
Global Co-Operative benefits:
Everyone loves a token of appreciation, like early access a seller's P&S via the notifications that show the members are valued.

   this is what Global Co-Operatives can do!
Unlike traditional advertising, Co-Operatices combines marketing, advertising, discounts, loyalty, and customer acquisition into one platform.

   Global Co-Operatives can do that!
Marketing, advertising, discounts, loyalty and customer acquisition is really all one and normally has a cost with an unknown return

   Global Co-Operatives grab all those points and fit them into a very big "long tail" benefit
It ties customers back to the Co-Operative as they spend around the world

   with Global Co-Operatives everyone benefits from all the buying activity
Even if a customer comes into a business's store or buys online and they're not in the Co-Op they can still add benefit to the overall Co-Op's income stream.
Buyer Co-Ops Admin can send invitations to invite friends and associates to build Level 1 and if the invitation is activated it releases a determined amount of UDC to the friend to help kick-off their connection with the Co-Op.

    How can a few friends help drive a Co-Operative?
Even if a Co-Op member had just 10 friends it can multiply very quickly if each of those friends know 10 friends and they know 10 friends and so on.

Members can send a viral message with one click to a large number of member registered on the Platform, within seconds a member can send an alert about a product or service that a business has listed.

All this is done without any advertising, just by a seller listing a productor service on the platform or administration can simply list a Buy It Forward Deal if the product or serviceis not listed and everything will take off from there.

Each item listed in the Buy It Forward Deal process is first displayed and then monetized by a global crowd of Open Market Makers ( OMMs ), which anyone can be part of. Once Buy It Forward deals are monetized they can be released by the Buyer Co-Op administration, notifying the members on their Level 1, those members can then send notifications to their members of any release.

-  for sending on the notifications, members can earn a percentage of any sales through their effort.

The sender is then paid a percentage set aside for each successful sell  -  this can add up to quite an income.

Each member has the option of becoming an active OMM  -  Open Market Maker, a virtual wholesaler operating from anywhere in the world as a business entity, earning an income just as a traditional business but without needing to handle stock or staff.

Global Co-Operatives can generate Buy It Forward Vouchers to make available to their members with the cascading prices.

Each Co-Op member can give away the Buy It Forward Vouchers to friends or gain the value themselves to spend at the store  -  each friend becomes a passive income stream source for the Co-Op as they go about being active on the Platform.

    What levels of Global Co-Operatives are available?
    Co-Operatives can come in all sizes  -  with today's connectivity any size is possible
-  only members will know the income stream they want  -  so Co-Ops have several levels to select
    There are nine ( 9 ) levels of Global Buyer Co-Operative Portfolios to select from  
    With each Seed value this amount is available immediately as incentive for friends to register with the Co-Op's link.

As an example: a $5 credit can be offered to a new registered user as an incentive, they would become a Co-Op's Level 1 members, the $5 can be spent towards products and services on the platform.

The remaining value including a credit for the Seed value is still in the Global Co-Operative's UDI Portfolio
continuing to grow from daily activity and as this gain increases and moves to a surplus it can be spent as a 'thank you' to more friends as an incentive to join the Co-Operatives Level 1.

Of course a Co-Op could decide to sell the credit ( invitation value ) instead to their member's friends to recoup the cost of the program, either way the value has the ongoing ripple effect.

  Blue dot $500 Seed value  
    The Seed amount has a 1X total value

-  this means the portfolio has the full value of $500
-  $500 is immediately available to distribute $5 to 100 of the Co-Op's members
-  $500 is added to the UDI Portfolio to buy tokens in the local economies ( locations )

-  when a surplus value is gained it can be spent whichever way
e.g. $5 gift could be credited to customers as a thank you!
  Blue dot $1,000 Seed value  
    The Seed amount has a 1.5X total value

-  this means the portfolio increases in value via new productivity by 1.5 times to $1,500
-  $1,000 is immediately available to distribute $5 to 200 of the Co-Op's members
-  $1,500 is added to the UDI Portfolio to buy tokens in the local economies ( locations )
-  $1,500 is added to the Credit Line and reduces as value is gained ( = 1.5X )

-  when a surplus value is gained it can be spent whichever way
e.g. $5 gift could be credited to new customers as a thank you!

Once the full $1,500 has been gained  -  the initial $1,000 value remains to continue earning.
  Blue dot $2,500 Seed value  
    The Seed amount has a 2X total value

-  this means the portfolio increases in value via new productivity by 2 times to $5,000
-  $2,500 is immediately available to distribute $5 to 500 of the Co-Op's members
-  $5,000 is added to the UDI Portfolio to buy tokens in the local economies ( locations )
-  $5,000 is added to the Credit Line and reduces as value is gained ( = 2X )

-  when a surplus value is gained it can be spent whichever way
e.g. $5 gift could be credited to new customers as a thank you!

Once the full $5,000 has been gained  -  the initial value remains to continue earning.
  Blue dot $5,000 Seed value  
    The Seed amount has a 2.5X total value

-  this means the portfolio increases in value via new productivity by 2.5 times to $12,500
-  $5,000 is immediately available to distribute $5 to 1,000 of the Co-Op's members
-  $12,500 is added to the UDI Portfolio to buy tokens in the local economies ( locations )
-  $12,500 is added to the Credit Line and reduces as value is gained ( = 2.5X )

-  when a surplus value is gained it can be spent whichever way
e.g. $5 gift could be credited to new customers as a thank you!

Once the full $12,500 has been gained  
-  the initial value remains to continue earning.

  Blue dot $10,000 Seed value  
    The Seed amount has a 3X total value

-  this means the portfolio increases in value via new productivity by 3 times to $30,000
-  $10,000 is immediately available to distribute $5 to 2,000 of the Co-Op's members
-  $30,000 is added to the UDI Portfolio to buy tokens in the local economies ( locations )
-  $30,000 is added to the Credit Line and reduces as value is gained ( = 3X )

-  when a surplus value is gained it can be spent whichever way
e.g. $5 gift could be credited to new customers as a thank you!

Once the full $30,000 has been gained  
-  the initial value remains to continue earning.
  Blue dot $25,000 Seed value  
    The Seed amount has a 3.5X total value

-  this means the portfolio increases in value via new productivity by 3.5 times to $87,500
-  $25,000 is immediately available
to distribute $5 to 5,000 of the Co-Op's members
-  $87,500 is added to the UDI Portfolio to buy tokens in the local economies ( locations )
-  $87,500 is added to the Credit Line and reduces as value is gained ( = 3.5X )

when a surplus value is gained it can be spent
whichever way
e.g.$5 gift could be credited to new customers as a thank you!

Once the full $87,500 has been gained  -  the initial value remains to continue earning.
  Blue dot $50,000 Seed value
    The Seed amount has a 4X total value

-  this means the portfolio increases in value via new productivity by 4 times to $200,000
-  $50,000 is immediately available to distribute $5 to 10,000 of the Co-Op's members
-  $200,000 is added to the UDI Portfolio to buy tokens in the local economies ( locations )
-  $200,000 is added to the Credit Line and reduces as value is gained ( = 4X )

-  when a surplus value is gained it can be spent whichever way
e.g.$5 gift could be credited to new customers as a thank you!

Once the full $200,000 has been gained  -  the initial value remains to continue earning.
  Blue dot $75,000 Seed value  
    The Seed amount has a 4.5X total value

-  this means the portfolio increases in value via new productivity by 4.5 times to $337,500
-  $75,000 is immediately
available to distribute $5 to 15,000 of the Co-Op's members
-  $337,500 is added to the UDI Portfolio to buy tokens in the local economies ( locations )
-  $337,500 is added to the Credit Line and reduces as value is gained ( = 4.5X )

when a surplus value is gained it can be spent
whichever way
e.g.$5 gift could be credited to new customers as a thank you!

Once the full $337,500 has been gained  -  the initial value remains to continue earning.
  Blue dot $100,000 Seed value  
    The Seed amount has a 5X total value

-  this means the portfolio increases in value via new productivity by 5 times to $500,000
-  $100,000 is immediately available to distribute $5 to 20,000 of the Co-Op's members
-  $500,000 is added to the UDI Portfolio to buy tokens in the local economies ( locations )
-  $500,000 is added to the Credit Line and reduces as value is gained ( = 5X )

-  when a surplus value is gained it can be spent whichever way
e.g.$5 gift could be credited to new customers as a thank you!

Once the full $500,000 has been gained  
-  the initial value remains to continue earning.
    Global Co-Operatives can be formed as legal entities in the region where they operate  -  the economic model in which the Co-Op operates can be mandated to operate for the benefit of all suppliers listed within the Co-Operative's legal constitutional structure.  
    Global Co-Operatives only need to begin in a small region like a town where the local buyers can group together and work with grassroots suppliers and local businesses by collaborating together and feed off each other  -  once inventory is listed for Outsourced Selling, the whole region comes alive within weeks of trading locally  -  from there the value-adding organically spreads outwards with other industries and cities adding to the new economies of scale.  
    Global Co-Operatives have dual benefits, apart from the negotiating strength there is the customer acquisition and loyalty program that's built on financial independence just like any business entity, by having income streams directed back to the Co-Operative to build out the business's scale and/or to distribute as income back to suppliers.  

The growth normally multiplies around the location where a business is physically sited as the customer base in many situations is usually centered in or near that business so when a member of a business's Queen Bee program buys at other local businesses or even in the region from the Platform there is the 'ripple effect' that comes back towards each Global Co-Operative.

The X Times Total Value means that there is a greater earning value gained by the higher levels in the Global Co-Operative.

The cost of locations for the balance of the extra (= X value) are added to the Credit Line as a counter balance and this value continually reduces as the commercial activity is gained in the locations selected by the business.

No Buyer's 2.5% LAT Fee is charged for a business's initial location unit buying in the Queen Bee or Co-Op programs. This LAT Fee is applied to limit the flipping of tokens - its value is returned to the portfolio as the earnings are gained.