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Cloud Capital Chamber of Economies Cloudfunding CloudfundMe Buyers Crowd Sellers P2P Groups Places SignUp DeCom Markets FOMEZ LED - Hubs Free Economic Value Economic Engine Universally Decentralized Capital Smart Contracts DFDC UDI PriceDemand |
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Businesses and StartUps can get Free Direct Backing for their ventures - without loans or giving away equity! The future of finance is fully digital and ubiquitous It's fully tied to the Global Productivity Grid, and it's fully accountable across all economies. The foundation of the Digital Commerce Monetization System is now being laid for the Digital Era.. It conquers the last barrier between Offline and Online Commerce - O2O - it levels the playing field. Free Direct Backing gives Businesses and StartUps the free financial backing to make their venture successful Stakeholders gain via the Global Productivity Grid, while businesses and startups keep doing their job Businesses listing inventories also benefit from the free funding when users add units to their UDI Portfolios - without worrying about liquidating any of the business's equity or involving collateral and costly loans. |
Introducing the Cloud Stakeholder The Free Direct Backing is taking advantage of the shortfall in the funding being made available by the banking industry - what Free Direct Backing does is provide Businesses and StartUps with free backing from Cloud Stakeholders without adding risk to either party. This means that the Stakeholders is not an equity holder in any business that they back, what the Stakeholder gets is the same value being added to their Portfolio's Reserve Balance to use to buy Location Token Units, this Location Unit buying allows for the Stakeholder to earn directly from the activity of the Business they backed, along with other businesses operating in the same location. Existing Businesses and early and late stage StartUps can get Free Direct Backing just by activating the service in their Our Store As a business venture there's always the need to have additional backing to go forward with expansion, in such things as extra supplies, staff or infrastructure, now with Free Direct Backing that's possible without costly interest or fees, or giving away equity. One such business operating cost is the switch to Renewable Energy, the effort shown by a business or even industry can draw in Free Direct Backing from Stakeholders who appreciate what they are doing. Another venture is the LED - Local Economic Distribution Hubs that are being established in local communities to help stimulate the local economies between buyers and sellers. The amount of backing the Business or StartUp needs for the venture or stage needs to be detailed, there's no maximum or minimum amount that a Stakeholder needs to back the venture with, that's up to how detailed and convincing the 'story' is. The time frame to invite Stakeholders to back a venture has two options, fixed time of days and flexible for an open amount of time - to ensure compatibility across borders, the unit of value that the Free Direct Backing operates with is UDC. The types of ventures can be wide ranging, from backing a Mom and Pop store on Main Street in the USA to backing a farmer needing seeds for a crop in Africa or India, maybe it's a StartUp that needs that extra push to make it happen. Each Business has a product or service to sell and with Free Direct Backing that product or service can be listed and sold using Outsourced Selling, then followed through the Supply Chains to the end Buyers - never before has there been the chance to back a Business from the start of the journey and follow through by being one of the Global Crowd to help get the products sold. There can be any number of Stakeholders involved with the backing, each is anonymous and aware of the number of others involved, along with the total amount of the backing, when each backing is committed it's directly forwarded and available for the Business to access. Regardless whether a business or start-up receive free direct backing, there's still the free funding that active businesses can receive ( when they list their inventories ) directly from users when they purchase units in the same Location that the Seller is located - this means that wherever the Seller is located, when a users buys units in that same Location, then those funds are distributed with all the active Sellers. . . see more on how decentralizing the Stakeholder model increases new Capital flows to SMEs Free Direct Backing democratizes Business funding There's no long drawn out qualification or requirement of financial details, it only requires the Business's Our Store pages to be detailed enough to give potential Stakeholders an understanding of what the business is doing and what it wants to do. There's no collateral needed to be used to get the backing, nor are credit checks or references needed, the business is backed based on the upfront details that are added to their Our Store pages, from there the Stakeholder can do due diligence, - and if they decide to back the Business on the details, that's great, with Free Direct Backing there's no risk for either party, so the deciding becomes much easier for the Stakeholders. As an existing Business it may be the Business wants to expand into other locations or expand its existing location with additional inventory and trading zone, all this can be detailed in Our Store. There's no restriction on the type or size of business, they can be SME, long established brick and mortar Mom and Pop stores, Online stores, Supply Chain Businesses or StartUps in early stage or late stage, any Business that usually heads directly to banks to fund their 'venture' can use Free Direct Backing. There's no direct contact between a Stakeholder and the Business, however there's the option of giving direct dialogue with the QwickChat service, if both parties agree. The Stakeholders can judge for themselves if they want to back the venture, knowing that they don't have any direct control over what the business does with the backing - the proof of how a business uses that backing will come out in the productivity, which the Stakeholder is able to see from the Live Activity and being an OMM. - the Stakeholder is not only backing the business they're also directly adding support to the productivity in the local region. StartUps have unique needs and sometimes bigger ambitions For early and late stage StartUps there's a similar need to provide details in Our Store StartUp of what the business 'venture' is about and the monitizing model they hope to implement when they start looking for traction, - the StartUp obviously can use Outsourced Selling to get early results once they have a Minimum Viable Product, and also get involved as OMMs and LA Agents to find some initial funding. Businesses and StartUps are listed and can be found in the Search or directed to the Business by drilling down in the Location Screen or using the Business Search. When the Stakeholder decides on backing a business they can do it from their Portfolio by following the Location Screen, from there the Stakeholder can add the amount they want to back the Business or StartUp with. There is a transfer of UDC to the QwickPay Business Account of the Business or StartUp being backed, less the 2.5% LAT ( added to the next distribution process ), the option to buy Location Units has the same LAT so there's no disadvantage either way, - for the Stakeholder, the same value is added to their Portfolio's Reserve Balance to use to buy Location Units, this Location Unit buying allows for the Stakeholder to earn directly from the activity of the Business they backed. - the value gained by the Units held by the Stakeholder will earn directly from the productivity of the Business being backed, and from all the other businesses that are also trading in the same Location. - for the Stakeholder the earnings don't stop, even the business happens to stop, the location Units have a long-tail and they continue to earn from all the other businesses trading in the same Location or for as long as the Units are held in the Portfolio. The Portfolio uses the Global Locations as the 'points of exchange' where productivity is measured, its global mechanics have been time tested through an enduring live process that global Users helped refine the dynamics of how 21st Century Commerce can operate equally and fairly on a global scale, where 'all boats can rise together'. The 'New Frontier' in Global Commerce Free Direct Backing is part of the overall Global Crowd Consensus, it's an important step in building out the 'new frontier' of the Digital Era and the scalable Digital Economy. It's capable of leveling the playing field in global commerce that's been hobbled by incumbents using Old World tools. The involvement of the Stakeholders engaging with Businesses and StartUps is the continuation of the same exchange of Ownership of UDC, the digital trading cash that the Stakeholders initially paid for at a brick and mortar store, or earned from productivity, that Ownership is passed on with the backing. The Platform doesn't hold any fiat currencies, its role is to provide the environment to allow commerce to flow more efficiently around the world by tracking the 'Ownership' of the value. Free Economic Value System is able to scale inside a democratic environment, one with equal value from the richest to the poorest - it can become the foundation of the Digital Income that anyone from everywhere can access online. The method of asking, even begging to borrow money for personal and business needs, and then having to pay interest, will seem crude and ancient when Free Economic Value System is used. 'Digital Sales Division' is part of a business's tools Businesses have the option to use the free working capital by allocating Digital Sales Division dedicated to operating with Free Economic Value just like they have accounts departments - businesses will generate their productivity cycle using Digital Monetization. As well as products and services, the Free Economic Value can be earned by Publishers, Marketing Agents and Website Operators to use in strategies and add revenue streams to their business models. Along with businesses being part of the Digital Commerce Monetization Moment, it's the QwickPay Payments option that can give sellers the greatest advantage in selling their inventory or range of products and services. Free Economic Value with Cloudfunds, offers the working capital needed to expand businesses and personal lifestyles, it's balanced with UDC - the digital cash trading currency that's exchanged with fiat currencies, which in turn keeps the values relevant to everyday costs across all the different economies. Businesses have their Portfolios that have additional advantages of gaining from the effort of all the trading by others around the world, including the benefit of not paying fees or currency exchange margins. The Platform has an incentive option that could provide the solution for many businesses and startups, it's structured to provide the incentive to draw talent to the business without releasing equity, while gaining loyalty and Productivity. It's the Co-worker / Co-founder Incentive Vision program |
Businesses and Brands now become a 'value added' asset to the scalable Digital Economy by supplying the products and services, which are validated as Free Economic Value - part of the solution in driving 'productivity' forward in the Global Digital Markets.![]() Supply is the important beginning of the productivity cycle, so it's more logical to smooth the path for businesses and brands so they can be a regular part of the Digital Era's Free Open Market Economy, and not always be relied on as 'cash cows' to keep the lights on. The use of Cloudfunds to set strategies is key to leveling the various economic circumstances that exist between the various locations of the Global Crowd - the free Cloudfunds is true money that's used as a financial tool to increase demand. Cloudfunds is the free working capital that drives demand - it collaborates with UDC, the digital cash trading currency used to buy products and services. The 'Seller's Trade Exchange Market ![]() |
Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals Cloudfunding generates Price Demand - digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world What's The Monetizing Moment? Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd? |
![]() As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies! see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' : Global Cloud Productivity Wherever your Location is - you are not alone! |
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