Subliminal Interactive Advertising.  .  is re-organizing global commerce, so that economic growth is universally shared equitably across the world's local economies!
Cloudfunding Lead
Main Street
For decades sovereign fiat currencies have been subject to inflationary periods that devalue the buying power of consumers

Cloudfunding offers a way of finding an equilibrium between supply and demand without all the collateral damage

-  counters the cycles of inflation that harm consumers with the cost of living, and deflation that harms business profits.

siAds - Subliminal Advertising
Coffee Something as simple as selling a cup of coffee at a local Cafe
can be changed with SIA - Subliminal Interactive Advertising.

Restaurateurs can monetize multiple quantities of coffee deals
at full selling prices ready for customers to buy.

Local customers get incentivized with cascading buying prices,
without it affecting the seller's full selling prices.

What price would you pay for a coffee?

Maybe it's an affordable Electric Vehicle that you want?
Cloudfunding ( Cloudalism ) is a protocol that allows true economic value to be tapped, collateralized, distributed and validated
as a ubiquitous flow of economic capital, moving permissionlessly between economies and users  -  individually joining
a global consensus in governing the economic value and velocity of local productivity across global economies  
-  just as communication and information move along protocols on top of the internet with TCP/IP and HTTP.

Cloudfunding SMe / Me
Introduction Video Library                                                  
    How It Works    
It's so simple for sellers to use
with   No Fees
   No Commissions
   No Advertising costs
   No Contracts
   No Currency Spreads
   No more Market Places taking profits
   No more Payment Provider charges
Just a simple process of adding a photo, full selling price and description
.  .  then let the automation begin!
Fast-Track Sales
Queen Bee Loyalty Program
Queen Bee Loyalty Program
Localization . . means going back to the local grassroots level
. . giving SMEs a Competitive Advantage over monopolies!

Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
Local Media    Search               Business
    Locations           Global Productivity Market
Local Media        Countries
Local Media        States

Local Media    Portfolio             Portfolio

  Australian States
. . with e2eCommerce - economy to economy Commerce!
" Cloudfunding does for modern economies in tokenizing the local economic value                                 

                                        .  .  as what the invent of coinage did for commerce and trade in ancient times! "
" Now,  local economic value is universally issued, owned and governed by the people,  for the people             

                                                         .  .  to fully monetize productivity across global commerce and trade! "
Cloudfunding takes modern commerce back to the original concept of exchanging 'the economic value of things'

.  .  like trading 'the economic value' of some eggs for a loaf of bread, or a cow for some sheep  .  .  but do it on a global scale!

Now, the flow of 'economic value' can move seamlessly across borders, stimulating productivity in an effervescent sea of activity

.  .  giving those kept from global markets, a way to help monetize and share in economic growth flowing through all local economies!
Cloudfunding's Dynamics
Cloudfunding's Dynamics
        .  .  in less detail  >  >   <  <  back
For decades sovereign fiat currencies have been subject to inflationary periods that devalue the buying power of consumers

Cloudfunding offers a way of finding an equilibrium between supply and demand without all the collateral damage

-  counters the cycles of inflation that harm consumers with the cost of living, and deflation that harms business profits.
. . there's now a new narrative around economic distribution!
 There are now 2 worlds!
    .  .  with the new digital world tapping
     the old world of its economic value

2 worlds
Cloudfunding isn't about currency trading, it's all about global commerce and local economies!
Claim Your Local Economy!
Your Location.ChamberOfEconomies.Online
Every Zip Code and Post Code representing a town, city and region in a state and country around the world has a local economy
that allows commerce to work between sellers and buyers  -  local economies come in all sizes but the dynamics all work the same.

Decentralized local economies give control back to local communities!

As more local economies get established, the greater the interconnection between local and foreign economies, forming a true
global consensus in generating productivity via a democratic flow of capital moving from foreign economies into a seller's economy.

Size of local economies is often been seen as 'the bigger the better', but that changes with Cloudfunding's dynamics, where economic
capital is directed into any size local economy to stimulate demand for local products and services equally across all size towns and cities.

Local communities, both businesses and consumers, can be proactive by helping to stimulate productivity in their local economy and other
economies as Open Market Makers ( OMMs ), sharing in the benefits as economic equity stakeholders, when capital flows into economies.

Claim a Zip or Post Code for naming rights to a local economy
Be first to claim your local economy!

Any local Seller can be the first business or group of local businesses to claim their local economy and list their local town, city or region
onto the Decentralized Local Economic Market Index, as part of the Global Chamber Of Economies.

Expression of interest are open for SMEs and business groups to list their local economy in the Global Chamber Of Economies!
      Know More
.  .  want to know more about Cloudfunding?

.  .  finding true price discovery with Price Demand

.  .  looking at the big picture with the Universal Wealth Of Nations

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