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    QwickFix            QwickFix - In-Demand



QwickFix can fill the gap on almost anything!

QwickFix is an In Demand service that allows Self employed and Sellers to Respond to Requests from Consumers, by making offers that get processed by Outsourced Selling.

It provides the global platform for On-Demand services, and makes the world ubiquitous by combining all locations onto one operating level.

On-demand service like car sharing, limousine, laundry, house tasks, any of the many business models that fit into the sharing economy can utilize the platform's QwickFix and global payment systems to get the Comparative Advantage.

QwickFix provides the platform for a Seller with any product or service to create Deals based on the type of service they have to offer, incentive for their Buyers is the low 20% maximum buying price.

With any QwickFix Deal the Requester is the Buyer and therefore only pays the Deal's low buying price as displayed in the offer  -  the Responder is the Seller who receives the full Selling Price for the Deal.

Deals can be Requested by a Buyer in the number of hours to do a job or as an overall price, the Seller Responds with the hours or overall price that they agree to charge,

-  with each Quote having the full selling price and the low buying price the Buyer pays.

Aim for a Seller is to quote the number of hours or overall price needed for the job using Deals a Seller has previously created and stored  -  Sellers can buy Generic Deals if more is required.

The In Demand services industry is Peer to Peer in its basic makeup and fits ubiquitously into the platform's P2P Economy

Low buying prices are the Competitive incentive

Quite simply, if a Request for a job is listed, it's Responded to by those with the talent or means to do the job, it could be work that doesn't require physically attending the venue but via computer,

-  the Responder submits their quote with full price but has a low buying price as the incentive.

An example can be a house cleaner or a gardener who can be Self-employed or in a group business, as the job being offered is usually based on hourly rates,

-  this simply means that Deals can be created in One Hour Deals or increments to suit and when a local Consumer makes a Request then they are offered the number of hours needed for the job at the aggregated low buying price.

-  if the job is a repeat offer then the process is a matter of building up the number of Deals needed to be processed in advance and allow the consumer to buy from the number of Deals exclusively locked in for the cleaner's or gardener's network of customers.

As with all Seller deal listings there are no listing fees, no advertising costs and no payments fees

- Deals created and processed can be held for up to 30 days, and released at the most suitable time.


In Demand
      Operators / Agents
              - Australia AUS
              - Canada CAN
              - UK UK
              - Spain SPN
              - USA USA
              - India IND
              - Indonesia INA
              - Philippines PHL
              - Singapore SNG
              - Nigeria NIG
              - Brazil BRA
Global Crowd bid to set the buying prices.

QwickBids processes the Deals in the same way all Deals are bid for, the Deals can be listed by Sellers as hourly or by specific jobs and be stored ready to customize to suit a Request issued by a Buyer.

Self employed and Sellers have the opportunity to Respond to Requests with QwickFix  -  and can also use the options of becoming an OMM and another LA Agent to add more income streams.

QwickFix works equally well for consumers.

There's many times when a need for something like accommodation for holiday or business trip, or maybe to get a suit dry cleaned, all these types of Requests can be listed for the Sellers operating within the Request zone to see and Respond to with price and to any other details a Customer may have.

The Responses will be within the full price range, with the Buyers only paying the low buyers price, Responses to a Consumer's Request will only be displayed to Sellers meeting the criteria for the Customer and those that have Deals to match the Requests.

There are no fees charged when buying Deals however there maybe local taxes required to be paid.

Types of requests are unlimited,

Car cleaning
Odd jobs
House moving
House painting
Building a house
Car engine repairs
Child Care
House sharing
Car sharing
Event tickets
Horse agistment
Computer work
Web Site designs
Web site hosting
Office work
Data entry
Book editing
Photography Project
Content writing


The specifics set out in the requests can be finely detailed so the responses can meet those details or further details may be required.

In all selling pricing that a Seller lists for processing, the price may be determined as too high and may be removed, selling 'Labour Market' on the platform doesn't require the Seller to discount their talent, therefore a 'fair' full price should be the accepted.

Paying It Forward
    Join the Crowd that's going to get it right - get updates about the coming launch!                                     



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