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Chamber of Economies is an alliance of interconnecting local economies
.  .  controlled by users driving productivity on a global public utility network
Cloudfunding challenges the banking industry's economic model and control of Capital flows, by redefining the way Capital flows into local economies
.  .  now a global public economic utility network directly distributes free Capital, governed by Productivity, to perpetually generate commercial activity to benefit society
Cloudfunding is changing the way local Commerce works
in 3 steps
outsourced selling  -  global crowd  -  price demand

Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
Local Media    Search               Business

Local Media    Global Market    Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Places                Places
Local Media    Locations           Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Portfolio             Portfolio


Local Media    New Economy

Local Media    GeoCommerce

Local Media    SME Cloudfunding

Local Media    Local Media      Local Media


     -   Seller Co-Ops
     -   Buyer Co-Ops
    Queen Bee
An economic alliance that aligns with the new economy

The Global Chamber of Economies is an alliance of local economies that operate with a totally new economic infrastructure that streamlines the mechanics in commerce to bring a more democratic approach to the distribution of wealth  -  wealth that's generated by a decentralized consensus that removes many of the incumbent middle man that were established in the old analogue world to finance trade and commerce over the last decades.

The alliance has the capacity to replace the role that banks have had in controlling the flow of Capital entering the local economies by shifting the role to the users in local economies to generate and govern the productivity  -  it changes the Capital flows so that local economy users directly gain from being involved in stimulating the velocity of Capital in their local trade and commerce activity.

The alliance interconnects the Global Chamber of Economies, both local and foreign, with a neutral and internet native international economic trading unit of account that bypasses the add-on costs imposed on society both for using local currencies and cross border currencies  -  the independence of a native ( Internet of Money ) and neutral economic trading value protects the local economies from the ongoing bad behavior that the financial sectors have often been involved with,

-  the game changer is that it's achieved by neither handling, storing, or transferring any currencies across borders using a central controlling authority but via a decentralized peer to peer commerce ecosystem that applies all the KYC and AML requirements.

The structure of the alliance provides the level playing field that fosters better practices for businesses to operate with that encourage the focus to be on the consumers rather than shareholders  -  it brings a new way to measure the social impact businesses have with how they produce and manufacture products and services that effect the environment and consumers.

New market forces

Markets have traditionally had traders dictating prices of commodities downwards in the supply chains that have not been equally fair to suppliers  -  even with modern communication traders can monopolize the suppliers and supply chains by the sheer market share that some players have  -  it sometimes leads to predatory tactics that mainly come about by having a central control either from physical or online marketplaces, and as gatekeepers can dictate prices back along the supply chains.

Because each local Chamber of Economies is formed with a bottom up economic structure no central control is able to be established along the supply chains  -  control is decentralized along the supply chains to allow for the spread of wealth to be more evenly balanced.

Apart from sellers getting full selling price profits while still competing with other market suppliers, and buyers being able to buy as buying prices cascade down to at least 20% of the full selling prices  -  there's a location activity tax that's collected during the outsourced selling process without hindering buyers or sellers that's distributed across eligible users as part of a wealth sharing component of Cloudfunding  -  this in effect offsets the old economy's need for inflation to try and gain economic growth but mainly to replace the Capital shifted away from the local money supplies in profits that get shared between the financial institutions and shareholders.

And because Cloudfunding operates in real time, the actions played out by users with their pro-active role in generating productivity value there's much more transparency in how the real economy is performing  -  this opens up for a much more dynamic environment between buyers and sellers along the supply chains due to the real trading activity being viewable in real time, and reacted to by the global crowd  -  the added incentive for sellers is the payments are in real time ( eliminating 30 to 120 day trading terms ) which adds more control to the way cash flows operate and influences more streamlined orders and supplies.

New co-operatives and alliances

There has never been an alliance of sellers and consumers working towards the distribution of economic wealth that gets generated by both sides of supply and demand  -  Cloudfunding offers both sides to gain a financial benefit from free tools that focus on decentralizing the control over the wealth distribution and the ability for both sellers and buyers to help generate more productivity.

Co-operatives available for both sellers and buyers to be organized as groups to drive sales and productivity from the sellers side or the buyers side without there being a conflict between the two  -  the seller co-operatives and buyer co-operatives can operate in unison as they're both aligned towards productivity and sit within the local FOMEZ and Chamber of Economies

Sellers usually have a loyalty program available to buyers that typically is a channel to direct discounted deals to their buyers mainly for more sales  -  sellers have the Queen Bee program that incentives uses with deals that a seller is listing but it has a earning portfolio for sellers to gain a share of the economic wealth being distributed  -  buyers have the Universally Distributed Income portfolio that also shares in the distributed economic wealth

Distribution Lay Out
Cloudfunding shifts the economics
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