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Cloudfunding moves into Main Street!


How and where the outlets will be built will depend on the issues like the level of response with the Cloudfunding in various locations and the availability of land suitable for leasing or buying  -  suitable locations can be service stations that have closed up due to the economic times, leaving some infrastructure such as fuel tanks still in position.

The design of the outlets requires a much smaller area than conventional fuel stations and although there can be different regulations from country to country the design can be adapted to suit  -  the flow of traffic is not like normal trade where the unknown quantity of traffic can have peaks and troughs, with the predictability of releasing Deals to a selected customer base allows the traffic to be controlled and that means that less area is needed to try and absorb more traffic during peak times.

A unique difference to traditional commerce with the FastFill outlets is that the product sold is ONLY available for customers with a Collection Code for a Deal that the customer has either won by bidding for the Deal or they purchased the Deal from the Digital Free Trade and Commerce online Platform.

The number of outlets is expected to be in the hundreds per country based on cities with populations starting around 8,000 to 10,000 that could be serviced by several outlets  -  therefore the type of Cloudfunding needed is termed as 'flexible' with no limit to the number to be established.

With FastFill outlets being funded by Cloudfunding it doesn't give equity to the participants, apart from the rewards listed below they do become one of the base controllers in the activity generated in the local economy's commerce landscape  -  and helped along by all the other global buyers.

Construction Time

The construction time is significantly refined into two ( 2 ) stages once finding suitable sites and clearing local regulations  -  first stage is the preparation of the site with all underground work and concrete work completed before the main above ground construction starts.

The second stage over-laps the first stage by beginning construction at a suitably central factory where the full building is assembled in sections before being loaded into cargo containers and transported to the site for assembly  -  complete construction would only be several days from the ground up using the 'out of the box' process  -  with the boxes being cargo containers even they too become part of the building that forms the 2nd level storage that doubles as freezer rooms and electronic areas.

With the FastFill outlets being connected to the Platform's central monitoring system each outlet has the best available communication to stay connected to global commerce, it will help to keep track of trends that can benefit local customers.

The factory assembly of the 'kit-type' building and the transportation using containers means that multiples can be prepared for delivery at any time, helping to reduce costs and construction time and to get more coverage of large areas and populations.


The cost of construction will vary but an estimate between US$700,000 to $750,000 per site has been determined ( some components are purchased using the Platform's Deal processing ), plus a contingency sum for variations  -  with property purchased as the preferred method, the ongoing costs and working capital will be covered immediately with 'hit the ground running' Deals ready on release.

At the early stage of developing the construction systems, the setting up costs per outlet are slightly higher but would be quickly brought in to step as the first batch of outlets are commissioned and operating.

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