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ComTechX Cloud Capital Chamber of Economies Cloudfunding CloudfundMe Buyers Crowd Sellers P2P Groups Places SignUp FOMEZ Public Utility Network LED - Hubs DOMIndex RingLink SODA FEV Outsourced Selling Engine Smart Contracts UDC DFDC PriceDemand |
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ComTechX - Free Open Markets - Supply and Demand ComTechX enables the digitized 'free open markets' to use technology to align global commerce in industries with disruptive supply and demand dynamics. It redefines the free open markets so control and defendable positions are shifted to the supplier while simultaneously generating affordable buying prices for the buyer by removing speculation and control from the middle incumbents. A free open market is a market economy system in which the prices of products and services are freely set by suppliers and consumers, free of government authority or monopolies, leaving it to the laws and forces of supply and demand between buyers and sellers to freely find the equilibrium between the selling and buying prices. For suppliers, an equal to or above market price is established by a consensus across multiple markets - a global and national price index that scales incremental growth in real time, providing sellers with a free open market platform to list the supply of their products and services, from where buyers are freely able to gain the advantage of 'fractional economic' pricing. The point and target of any supply and demand markets is to reach equilibrium on platforms that provide a 'fair trade' between sellers and buyers. The commodity markets have continued to be volatile just as they have for centuries, but now they can swing more frequently because of the vast differences in communication - from the highlight moment in history when Nathan Rothschild used a faster method of communication about Napoleon being defeated at Waterloo in 1815 that allowed him to take advantage of the commodity market in London, it shows that opportunists with narcissistic tendencies who have little concern of who and how the commodities came to the market can control markets, proving markets are not 'free'. The market volatility is more frequent today because of the speed of communication, which can deliver minor issues that can be used to swing commodity prices in an instance by middle incumbents largely ignorant of the world outside their towers, players who fall back on terms like 'the sentiment in the market' to explain the changes to the prices, if these were true 'free open markets', there would be less chance for manipulation of market prices by middle traders. Globalization has not delivered and will not deliver the end to income inequality when the commodity markets and players have control of prices that 'strip profits' out of the market, shifting the costs to the end buyer at the expense of the original producers and manufacturers - speculation is not a friend of free markets. ComTechX provides a Localization verses Globalization with market platforms that have the incentives to give local industries and businesses an equal opportunity to utilize local resources with competitive pricing to gain a greater share of global productivity, in doing so it provides the technical ability for buyers to gain the opposite side of a 'fair trade' by by-passing the incumbents, and achieving a better way of finding equilibrium in the market. ComTechX provides the balance between Globalization and Localization ComTechX ecosystem disrupts Supply and Demand with 'Sell High and Buy Low' mechanics that drives 'affordable prices locally', all along the supply chain . . the digital era is a parallel world where paradigm shifts are disrupting and revolutionizing industries with new values and economies - replacing 'monetary units' with a 'digital value' is not disruptive, what is disruptive is generating a global 'Free Economic Value system' that's validated against 'genuine productivity' in the physical world . . then to be able to release it globally both 'equally and fairly' as 'free working capital' within reach of everyone in the world . . giving everyone the means to gain 'products and services' at those affordable 'low prices' in 'free open markets'. - just as institutions used 'credit and debt' to drive growth in the 20th Century - crowd power'will use free working capital to drive 'debt free' growth in the 21st Century . . forging the democratization of Capital flows from the 'grassroots' up in free open markets. |
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Unique ability of the 'scalable' economy What the scalable economy can do is provide industry players with the Seller's Marketplace and product volume deals that are established using a Global Price Index, which tracks the global and national consensus on fair trade pricing between sellers and buyers - this means that if supply is low but demand is high in any particular product or service, then the scalable economy can generate volumes of product deals with price incentives that any Seller in the location ( country and region, even city ) where the deals are directed, can gain the competitive selling advantage over their competitors by taking up the deals - these volume deals tap into the stored free working capital held by the Global Crowd who are wanting to compete as market makers to earn business profits. In industries like fuel ( petrol / gas ) it can have a profound affect on communities if various products are able to come to the market at much lower prices than normal, industries and Sellers aren't affected by this reversal of how supply and demand comes to the market because the full prices are still earned by the Sellers - all types of industries and products can benefit from this unique feature. Global Markets can be Crowd Powered The structure of the Global Markets and in particular Commodity Markets that exchange volumes of soft products like agricultural crops have have remained basically the same over the last few centuries, one of the major changes was moving to electronic form with electronic exchanges. With the world needing to solve the growing food shortage as populations increase and climate change puts agriculture and farmers at risk, the need to change the structure of how commodities get to the market is one of or the largest challenges that the world has. One basic thing that remains is the disadvantages that the 'smallholder farmers' in the developing countries and continents like Africa have in the market, it's similar across all types of supply of raw and manufactured goods, the farmers have little or no 'voice' when it comes to negotiating prices with brokers / traders in the value chains, even developed countries have farmers disadvantaged by changing global prices. Commodities can be sold better What the Commerce and Technology Organization has is the ability to neutralize the power that brokers and traders have at the 'grassroots level' and all along the supply chain, whatever size crop a farmer produces it all can be listed for Outsourced Selling giving smallholder farmers, or any producer or manufacturer, the 'power of negotiation online' - the Seller's Market would offer the brokers and traders Buying Prices of around 20% of the Selling Prices that the farmers want, or the brokers and traders can pay what they would normally try to offer. With brokers and traders having such a buying power they too would be directed to use Outsourced Selling as the way to sell at full Selling Prices in their sector of the Supply Chain, this process can be repeated along the Supply Chain through the export or domestic markets to the final local Buyers. With better Selling Prices farmers and manufacturers can grow and expand, they don't just have the better Selling Prices they can also get advantages with the low Buying Prices that local Sellers can also use 'Outsourced Selling' to increase their market share, it can even be applied by local schools to make their school fees more affordable, or the petrol outlet can sell fuel at 20% of the normal price. The focus on the Sell High and Buy Low needs to come from the grassroots level in all industries and in all countries so that affordability and income inequality has the chance to wind back the debt and the subsidies that are distorting Global Prices - any headway in reducing or eliminating subsidies in commerce and trade has little effect when the Commodity and Currency Market 'players' control the prices and individual countries can change their tax systems. With ComTechX's scalable economy all the changes to how a local economy can increase productivity in any region is done without global aid or government assistance, it's done with Outsourced Selling and the Global Crowd having global access to a Free Economic Value system that doesn't require bank loans or credit, it only needs a mobile phone and the Crowd to respond. With an estimated 500 million smallholder farms in the world, supporting almost 2 billion people, smallholder farmers dominate production in certain key sectors such as coffee, rice and cocoa but many barely make a living and sit in poverty waiting for the next handout - this is where the ComTechX sees where a scalable economy has enormous potential, to unlock this would be like waking a sleeping giant. Distribution Outsourced Selling moves commerce faster with Sell High Buy Low dynamics, it welds 'everything in digital commerce' together in a 'scalable' economy that helps to solve inequality and limitations in local productivity along the supply chains. It provides the vehicle to keep people in control of commerce and productivity, regardless of the fact that automation and most country's aging demographics will 'tip the scale' at some point and force a contraction in the workplace, which will have major economic consequences - workforces and work hours will decrease, so digital jobs that are simple to operate and are easily maintained will be the financial backbone for an individual's life, governments are not going to be capable of responding in real time, if at all. With old economy barriers down, the mechanics to a scalable economy offers exponential and sustainable growth in the various global local economies, it can change lives in the most remote corners of the globe just as easily as it can change lives in the big cities - the scalable economy's infrastructure is built around the individual with a basic mobile phone, aided with tools to be an equal in the digital era and the global economy, no matter where they're located in the world. It operates primarily around the mobile ( and desktop ) and is accessible wherever an individual is located, it's accessible to all the main utilities a person uses to conduct their lives, it creates an environment where earning in the 'scalable' economy will be much more in line with a person's 'wealth value', and have the ability to bring affordability to the cost of their 'living standard'. ComTechX's SaaS model economy steers away from the centralized business model used by many technology companies, those that limit the opportunity to 'do a world of good' by having shareholders that 'share' in the profits from the billion dollar advertising and payment service industries, extracting funds from the business world and shifting it over to a narrow group of shareholders - the ComTechX and the democratized ComTechX model generates funds ( profits ) in the trillion dollar world of commerce and trade by using 'algorithmic economics' without directly extracting funds from either the business or consumer, then redistributes that profit by 'showering' it across the world in an equitable manner as a 'distribution of global wealth' to Users in real time, to many of whom are far removed from the sophisticated world of share markets. For the Internet and the digital era to deliver the ubiquitous future where everyone is able equally gain from the benefits of global productivity, and not just local, a global productivity grid tracks and distributes a location activity tax to Users based on simple and broad strategies by following productivity trends - this global distribution spreads the real time growth from locations far away from where Users may live, it ensures that whatever circumstances an individual is confronted with, they can still financially benefit directly in their own local environment. Most countries will miss the transition or totally underestimate the scalable economy's impact, which's why steps were taken in early development to have a broad infrastructure to encompass all services in what was then the 'unknown future blueprint' of how a digital economy was needed to be structured. With most developed countries finally acknowledging the predicament that their economies face with their aging populations, the oncoming automation of industries, the shrinking middle class due to the lack of movement and stagnation of wages, or the sheer debt both private and public brought about by credit and debt during the last forty years, a reversal of debt on a global scale with ComTechX can certainly go a long way in helping many position themselves for what's ahead. All countries have their own agenda to look after the interests of their people, the Localization verses Globalization sits in between all countries as a neutral 'Software as a Service' based utility - ComTechX as an industry, is evolving into a Global Chamber of Economies utility that has set a mandate to secure the individual Ownership of digital cash for all global citizens, it's a NGO service entity is able to monitor all activity from a neutral position. |
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fuel - taxis - hotels - restaurants - events - travel - trekking - sharing - Cloudfunding Main St groceries - fashion - books - delivery - content - subscriptions - On-demand - connecting - insurance health - education - energy - housing - leasing - logistics - Used Market - Used Cars + more |
Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals Cloudfunding generates Price Demand - digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world What's The Monetizing Moment? Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd? |
![]() As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies! see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' : Global Cloud Productivity Wherever your Location is - you are not alone! |
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